Mentor System
Mentoring is a relational process in which five phases can be distinguished.
- Information on career options.
- Developing career plans.
- Focusing on career goals.
- Realization of career steps.
- Evaluation of career advancement.
Mentoring is a cost free, career promotion strategy based on a personal relationship in a professional context. A Mentor is an active partner in an ongoing relationship, who helps a Mentee to maximize his or her potential and to reach personal & professional goals.
Mentoring for Medical Students:
Mentoring is obviously an important career advancement tool for medical students. All though mentoring is acknowledged as a key to successful and satisfying careers in medicine formal mentoring programs for medical students are lacking.
Mentor System in KAMS & RC:
The KAMS & RC in it's endeavor to produce quality medical professionals with human values, has introduced mentor system to it's students. Fifteen Mentors are appointed by the principal and each mentor is allotted with 10 students for effective counselling. Mentors are conducting meetings with their mentees once in every week and Monitor their progress and Guide them. The Mentor will submit their reports to principal at the review meetings regularly. The Principal will give suggestions to the Mentors.